Because George tries to humanize them and gives them interests outside sex and drives outside sex and quirks and dialogue. With Chataya and Alayaya and the Summer Isles … it’s complicated. It’s the fact that they are reduced to sex center-pieces that is bad. That’s not to say white characters are not sexualized in ASOIAF, but you’ll notice that nearly all prominent PoC/exotic/foreign women are sexualized. This is a bit more clear in Dothraki, who involve Dany into their culture and have more screen-time in the story, but you can still see it in other PoC cultures. Even then, the wildlings are a lot more complicated and detailed in their philosophy and culture while the Summer Islanders almost entirely revolve around sex. We should also take note that the Wildlings (the white savages of the series) are also pretty relaxed on sex and righteous when it comes to their freedom. I think it was expected of GRRM to reflect back about cultures on sex and desire and what is taboo and what isn’t, and we must take into consideration that Westeros is largely based on England and England’s culture at what people love to call ~the medieval times~ Sex was received very differently in certain cultures then and now, especially when you look at modern countries who allow sex work to be legal while others require porn to be censored. There is nothing inherently evil about sex, and it can lead to joy (pleasure, children, love) so what is all the fuss about?ĪSOIAF, Westeros, and Essos are reflections and imitations and commentaries of our own worldly cultures. I agree with Chataya that there shouldn’t be such a taboo around sex (*cough* *cough*) because it’s a natural thing that most of us come to do. I also don’t think sex work is the bane of society, it’s just another job, as I see it, that is not healthy for a person’s mind and body, but whatever, neither is smoking or drinking or constantly cracking your skull in a football field for money. I personally don’t think it’s good for mental or physical health to have many sexual sexual partners, but I don’t slut shame. I only take issue with unconsensual assault (children and animals cannot consent) but any other act is fine my me. I have no issue with consensual sex at all, be it heterosexual, homosexual, polygamous, or sex work. I have a very liberal outlook in sexuality, and this plays part of my interpretation, and even then there is no doubt that there is an “exotic = erotic” pattern in ASOIAF. This interpretation largely depends on how we personally view sexual acts and how we can separate those views to acknowledge male-gaze erotica … and … *sigh* … problematic takes to exotic or foreign cultures. Summer Islander Chataya, A Clash of Kings

Many highborn youths and maidens serve for a few years after their flowerings, to honor the gods.

In the Summer Isles, those who are skilled at giving pleasure are greatly esteemed. My people hold that there is no shame to be found in the pillow house. And they gave us desire, so we might mate and worship them in that way.

They gave us hands, so we might build them temples.

The gods made our bodies as well as our souls, is it not so? They gave us voices, so we might worship them with song. We meet again, My Arch Nemesis Trope: Exotic ≠ Erotic